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New Experience

今年,日出藝術季 第一季!






We would like to cordially invite you to the 2018 Sunrise Arts & Design Festival hosted by Tung Fang Design University's Department of Arts & Crafts. From mid-September through November, the festival will host a gamut of programs, including forums on brand and design, exhibitions and performances by prominent artists, talks on design and the design-driven youth, workshops and rotating exhibits on calligraphy and typography, hands-on experience with arts and crafts as well as many other events. The festival's three main events are the International Conference on Chinese Characters, the Bauhaus Centenary International Design Workshop, and the "Refined by Life" Art Design Workshop. Your presence at these events would, no doubt, greatly enrich the festival's ambience of fine arts and design.

The Sunrise Arts & Design Festival will be held at Tung Fang Design University in Kaohsiung. Like the sun rising in the east, Tung Fang Design University's has risen far above the horizon, having accumulated a wealth of experience from throughout the past decade. The University hopes that the Sunrise Design Festival will encapsulate three major themes: "the rising sun"--shining a burgeoning light on the intricacies of branding Chinese characters; "the passing sun"--illuminating intergenerational design; and lastly the "shining sun"-- revealing the resplendent value of art. We hope that all attendees at this year's festival will discover new depths in the art of design.

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